Monday, October 1, 2012

Chalkboard Painting DIY :]

Hello everyone!
A little while ago I turned the inside of one of my cupboards into a chalkboard for grocery listing purposes. :)
It was super simple and easy!


  • Chalkboard paint (I bought mine from Hobby Lobby, but I know they sell bigger containers at Home Depot)
  • Paintbrush
  • Surface for painting
  • Tape
  • Bowl (to pour the paint into) [:

    If your painting a wall or cupboard, tape the sides of the wall so as to not get any paint on the edges.

Then paint one horizontal layer of chalkboard paint onto the surface. Let the paint dry for twenty four hours, and then paint a second layer but this time paint it vertically. (Apparently this makes it work more efficiently)

Next, remove your tape and...voila! It's finished. :]

Super easy, and not hard at all.

happy painting!


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