Friday, July 19, 2013

DIY Bleached Leggings

                   DIY Bleached Leggings

I recently saw this great idea on Instagram, and thought why not make my own version of these DIY legging. They are fun, affordable, and will give a certain edginess to any outfit.

         What You Will Need:
         Black Cotton Leggings
         Clorox Bleach Pen ( Gel for Whites)

 To make the designs just draw lightly on the leggings. NOTE : If you put an excess of bleach on one place, it will dry a light brown, while normal drawing on the leggings turns out to become a muddy brown. The colors will be varying. Also if you want thin lines or small dots on your leggings, remember that they will be twice as big when you wear the leggings, because the fabric will stretch.

Every time you do this project it will turn out differently. Don't worry about having both sides match perfectly, or doing the exact same design. The beauty of the whole thing is in its imperfect and messy look. Just go wild with your bleach pen, and you will have fun!

Love, L

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